yes yes ttz me in my hostel rm.. the last pic being the original walls wo my deco of photos.. haha.. i love lookin at the picz when im bored.. or scroll thru the folders of picz in my darlin macbk.. indeed derez alot im missin at that 10000miles away country.. but nevertheless theres the great side of being here which justifies for all the things im missin..
my 1st party in manc.. n the onli one so far was the back to skool party.. totally awesome! im glad i haf such lovely frenz. really. im glad i wasnt lik some other less fortunate ones. it was a blessin in disguise tt i cldnt find sumi n citra n didi etc in revolution. i had better companions coz of tt haha~ anw the crazy picz can b found on facebk.. im nt loadin dem here coz really itz too tym consuming.. sry dears..
n lik im drownin in texts n words here!!! SS u r so cute u thot i literally drowned, dun wry i haven even gone swimmin here n dey dun even haf a decent beach so yeapz~ mckendrick - fallin apart alrd. covered in 5colours of highlighters wif a pretty legend on the content pg.. havin to check the meanings of the countless words tt r alien to me, i tink my english is really nt gd at all.. gosh im juz nt smart enuf. period- BUTBUTBUTBUTBUT im still lovin it.. i lik readin abt the cases n rules n all even thou itz totally tedious, for the reason tt law is my dream course n my choice.. so it isnt an issue of right or wrong choice but the issue of makin the best i can out of it. i finished 2purple pens thus far.. im startin to wonder if those i brought can last me till dec when im gg back to SG.. i dun see dem sellin my fav pen here =( neverthesless i haf other colours to sustain i believe.. ok studies aside, all u ppl prob know enuf n more den i can tell u abt.. esp when uk has centuries of history n the origins of the law is juz so dry.. n nth here is spoonfed of coz..
alrytz on to the frenz part.. thx looooooooong! for accompanyin me when i needed it.. n thx the all others tt make their presence felt in my life here.. to dissolve the homesick issue from my days n bring in the laughter, the fun, the jokes, the teases, the chats, the advice, n everythin else i can tink of.. i know u guys r dere when i need u.. juz a call away, yes i note tt =)
dance (salsa, latin n ballrm) - my new love found! itz awesome~ didi im so glad u aint shy anymore n yay u r fallin in love wif dance too.. addictive ryt? cmon admit it lol.. no doubt bball is ur 1st love, dance can b the 2nd rofl.. n im glad to know u enjoyed dance today, im sure i did as much as u too.. itz totally relaxin n how we luff over this n tt.. n at least we aint steppin on each other, things r workin out well n gettin better in fact.. n wahaha i know tt gal v v hot ryt? i tink so too.. my eyes were on her as well.. the attraction factor man.. see u ard sooooooooooooon anw! *TD: haha well i hope i will b gd enuf to dance wif u, n nt make it worse for u*
gerry - omg i realized i dun haf u on msn! how can i not.. u will b soon.. i promise.. itz great knowin u really. im sry if u felt left out at the detention party, i dint mean to =(
frenz back in sg:
jo -
i owe u picz i know! im tryin to send to u but i tink the internet here isnt v gd i cant seem t ever load it up to yousendit, i post on fb if i really knot ok? sry n thx..
jud -
heyo hope u r copin well, nvr got to chat wif u online
soohui -
hehe jia you n hope to c u in manc someday gal!
guys -
survivin well in NS i hope?? tc yea
grace n joyce -
gd in aussie? see u guys in dec! i know u wld prob b back in sg in nov but dec mid is the earliest i can make it alrd.. xmas gatherin or smth wif the rest i hope keke
galz next door -
dr choong dun stress or nt u will haf a head of white hair when i see u agn!
ms choong pls train to b a gd educator, our society needs u, hope u n jeff r gd =) send him my regards dear..
yyy dun envy me really haha studyin here is pretty taxin, havin to manage everythin lik a one man show situation althou i do admit im enoyin it.. but the thot tt u r gg to haf the long break in a few mths makes me envious. i wish i cld b tt relaxed but itz nt gg to happen in near future, i dun see it comin yet.. so pls do enjoy urz! n hope u get to pursue ur dreams in the music industry babe..
n yes we muz haf dinner n chill out lik the night we did b4 i left for manc! i miz those gd old memories.. the craziest things we wld do over the most carefree days we had.. n the ultimate lameness we can reach while walkin home n all~
MICHELLE - wheeeee i will call u to chat some tym agn.. hope magic is great n i totally miz darren coz hez 1 person i cant talk to =( wahaha i wanna hug him.. 1.5mths more n i can have him within reach rofl.. n yes 万事都要忍=) itz alryt! im always here to listen to u yea, juz text me or call me i will reply u asap!
SS - ahhhhhhh how r u doin pretty?! hugz~ everythin gd? jia you gg to grad soon.. mayb u will b LT in SG soon den i can see u more often durin hols hehe.. we muz haf nitey chats agn.. lyin on the bed till the wee hrs n till sunrise crappin abt anythin we thot of.. itz so relaxin to do tt gal..
ok ok enuf said.. i needa slp.. tired from hours of dance to day.. got 3hrs straight tmr.. hehe.. den off to buy my heater n call sum1 tt i dint reply on msn today.. tata folks! cheerioz-
*those nt mentioned u werent missed out or anythin but really derez too much to say.. lik I MISS THE JLL INTERNS!!
keep stalkin my facebk for more updates yea? =)
- if itz nt tough, u aint in law skool, u r in the WRONG skool- (but tough or stress can b manageable coz im willing to n im enjoyin the process of adaptin in..)
SHAWN COME BACK TO MANC SOOOOOOOOOOON - i dunno if i shld go for the halloween in manc haha~