anw erica i wan a pic of tt paper we scribbled on durin lect break.. haha how much we can draw n colour durin break is cute.. 明慧与翠汶友宜永恒!哈哈~ u r missed my dear gal.. u missed out all that choco fun at the xmas mkt n we muz so so go agn.. i wanna go wif u.. mayb next wk? hehe..
i bought some stuff for mummy n kor n joanna n mich n fab n ss to try.. hope ss is comin to SG! haha~ kor gt kou fu.. i bought lotsa food for him to eat.. n even promised to gif him my omnia.. awesome xmas for u this yr? haha n im lik santaz reindeer for joanna.. ur items r all in the luggage alr except the M&S delivery which i have failed to receive..
anw had a long day today.. from the civil court hearing - fradulent misrepresentation and breach of contract etc OMG it was really borin.. coz the barrister was lik "bullyin" n "squeezin" the witness haha.. den rush for quick lunch n the onli lecture we had today n den i headed down to town to settle some stuff b4 meetin to go to the xmas mkt..
man m i lookin forward to the flight.. flyin alone for the 1st tym? so wat? im nt 2yrs old.. n besides this is the most awesome flight back.. im sure of it.. coz im gg bac fr manchester for the 1st tym ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
n i needed a handbag coz i dun haf one in manc.. so i decided to shop for 1 n pampered myself wif an awesome paul's boutique neon pink one rofl.. itz love at 1st sight haha.. every bag of this brand is unique n derez no 2 which r the same! ttz the part y i love it.. 独一无二, lik me THE ONE N ONLY~ ok sry tt was lame i know..

im juz super hyper ryt now.. i tink itz a sugar rush haha~ from all the sweet things n choco at xmas mkt plus the countdown to the flight n packin stuff into the luggage.. i cant help but SMILE!
i will keep updatin.. sry for non pic bloggin lik the past.. the connection here is simply not in favour n support of it.. but durin hols in SG i will try to upload for the new entries comin up.. but dun fret my frenz coz if picz arent here den dey r readily available on facebk!!!!!!
- JLL interns! u r absolutely missed! deone is screamin from the bottom of her heart to say how much she wans ur company!! hugs-
- NP clique!! callin out to u guys! im comin bac sooooooooooon n i know grace n joyce r bac alr.. but yea haha my turn soon! i gt baileys choco for the guys n smth cute for the gals!!! see u sooooooooooooooooon my darlings..
- angeline!!! glad to say i mailed u my misses alr.. hope u receive dem soon.. xoxo.. i totally awfully yearn to meet up wif u agn.. WE HAVE TO! I DUN CARE I WILL SQUEEZE TYM TO!!
-3 babes!!!! no way r u guys forgotten.. i know clarice is busy muggin nw.. but when im bac itz all over n we will do it once more lik the vivo nyt or the sushi tei nyt! but mayb a new plc to add to our memories? n camwhorin of coz!
-michelle!!!!!!!! HUGSSSSSSS see u real real real real real real real soooooon~ itz the 1st tym we havent met in so long! lol wld surely b fantastic to see u n fabian agn!!