I chanced upon my own blogspot blog again after 2 years while cleaning up my facebook information.. like wow my last post was 2 years ago. that was when i survived year 1. and now here i am, just had my last exam paper of final yr in university.
I'm thankful for everyone that has made to my awesome life and memory, thanks for being part of it, thanks for being there, thanks for the support, the help, the friendships, the care and everything else that i could just go on endlessly..
Making a short trip home in a few hours, to transport things home already.. n then back again for a long graduation trip, rather a few put together.. I miss living in Singapore, after 3 years, I still say no where's better than home sweet home, no matter how fun it may be with my friends away from home, it will never fail to leave me times that i really wish teleporting was for real, so i could stay with my family and friends in sg yet study here in UK. No matter how much i get to fly home for holidays it just doesnt feel the same cos i know i have a return flight away from home for school. W3 is a fabulous apartment, just except every night i lie on the bed, i wish i saw that square room i grew up sleeping in, the ceiling with that hook for my sarong when i was a baby, my sateen cotton bedsheets, my ultra comfy bed, and the fact that i dont have to worry about what to wear when i go out cos the weather is always warm.
I miss waking up to my family, i miss trixie, i feel alone here without them, although i know my friends are here with me. My convocation is weeks away and im glad for that, i can finally go back home for good, n no more LDR too. I chose to come here to read law, i never regretted that, but it doesnt take away the fact that i want to be home more than anywhere else.
Peishan is accompanying me to the airport later, i really appreciate that so much, especially since my flight is early morning and she still has a paper to go. Im sorry to trouble you, present or a treat yea?
Bambang facebk inboxed me yesterday, im glad for Chen, he is so sweet and loving, those words made me smile when i was stressed with summarizing work for my last exam paper. I hope you guys survive the LDR, hang in there! I will try my best to make Chen feel "not alone"..
Quite a few of my frens are engaged, getting married or in the process of fixing up whats needed for it, congratulations to all of you, blessed wishes!
To those i have not met or spoken to in a long while, in a few months u can find me alot more easily already! esp since im no longer on msn n i have limited ppl on skype.. well you can find me on whatsapp though! n facebook.. i miss Candy, Angeline..... ok you know who you are so let's fix up some dates!
Yay to seeing mummy n daddy in less than 24hours! Im not that close to my bro but i miss his presence, how he bangs the doors really loudly or has the tv at a volume i get a headache, it just feels weird without those hehs..
I dont want any fancy food this trip ok darling? i know you spoil me that way but im craving for deer hor fun etc!! ok maybe crabs n prawns hehe.. think about what's for the 1st feeding session! im gonna starve on the plane cos i nvr like plane food~
lotsa love, ME
Friday, May 27, 2011
time flies. so fast.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
1 JUNE 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes it marks my final exam paper of yr1 in manchie!!!!!
soon soon my paper will b completed.. juz 2 essay qns to go deone~
my hols r finally here, yea i mean FINALLY coz i can b bac in sg wo having to b studyin over my stay.. n derez so much to look forward to this summer.. my internships, trips, meet upz n all.. i wanna be in sg RIGHT NOW haha~
the count down starts once again!!!!! u will all see me soon my darlings.. my blog has been awakened for a coma.. n over the hols i bet derez so much more to update!!! wheeeeeeeeeeee~~~
wish my gd luck n all the best for the paper tmr! xx
Saturday, April 11, 2009
loves hugz misses
omg my blog has been dead for abt 2mths alr!!!!!!!!!!!
anw im back to sg for easter nw.. have been back for abt 2wks nw, left 1 wk to go.. mannnnnn time juz passes toooooooooo fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i met juz a few ppl but really ttz enuf.. wif the short tym n million tings i gotta do, i shldnt ask for more..
i met candy - im really super glad to, i totally missed u, wish i had more tym to meet n catch up wif u.. n of coz apple, purple n zhen lao shi.. itz been 2yrs, but yea itz still that deone as ever haha~
a pity a wun b able to meet trang n angeline.. but dun wry coz we will meet agn soon yea? miss u loads!!!!
joanne n jud, although u babes dint manage to make it today, i hope to see u gals next wk! jo i hope ur doggy is alryt :( *heartbreaks abt he ears*.. jud darling hope i get to steal ufrom ur date :X haha
crys n clarice - rarrrrrrrrrrrr u 2 busy gals!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dun tink i can meet u gals much.. perhaps juz a chat at our houses or over a drink nearby????? hugs! my darling frenz.. 20years to our frenship.. or 19 u can say haha.. xoxoxo~
yyy - pretty pretty model babe im so missin u toooooooooo, nw tt u r on hols, see u on tues i guess?!?! movie n shoppin or smth haha~ or yea swim or gym or run can do :)
ss - see u in summer, hope the new job is treatin u well loves!
darren baby - gosh u can walk alr... will u be able to talk when im back in summer? hugzhugzhugzzzzzzzz i wish i cld see u more often, will do in summer baby nephew! i know u do rmb me.. u sweet bright smile juz makes me grin too
okokok back to topic.. it was a great sat.. woke up early n went to shop for camera wif ben den lunched tgt.. rarrrrrrrrrr glad u gt 2 new toys nw.. eh 8300 way sexy n ixus way hawt.. not complementin u but fillin in for wat u r missin!!!!!!!!! cant imagine if u gt tt hot pink one lol.. n i miss u crap man.. finally gt a gd dose of it over the few hrs today.. den met u agn to go vivo for dinner wif denny, his date n soooooo hui.. u juz nvr fail to bully her eh but im glad althou u aint tt perfectly lovely to me, u dun bully me either haha.. dennnny arh wat haf i been missin out dude? congrats to ur new darling found!!!! soohui bubbly as everrr.. jiayou for upcomin paper next sat!!
ben- upload the retarded n funny picz on facebk!!!!!!!!!!! wif the captions haha..
missmissmiss u all, tt i met today, tt i mentioned above.. n nt forgettin roche n jason in brunei for 4wks OCS trng nw.. eheheh n wat pacific coffee? i dun rmb alr eh.. onli rmb tt once wif denny n roche.. nt roche n me leiiiiiii n hor so long ago de story over our CAAS internship!!! aiya tease roche wif sum1 else laaaa so many other beta options eh.. hor roche?? althou i know sum1 said smth abt this to me online when he was drinkin. ah hemmmmmm lol
shawn panda.. if we dun get to meet this tym round, see u in june k? i know NS eats up the tym lol same for roche n jason dears!
n tiffany im glad i made it to ur 21st bday party! lol.. cant wait for u n st to upload the picz! haha
anw im back to sg for easter nw.. have been back for abt 2wks nw, left 1 wk to go.. mannnnnn time juz passes toooooooooo fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i met juz a few ppl but really ttz enuf.. wif the short tym n million tings i gotta do, i shldnt ask for more..
i met candy - im really super glad to, i totally missed u, wish i had more tym to meet n catch up wif u.. n of coz apple, purple n zhen lao shi.. itz been 2yrs, but yea itz still that deone as ever haha~
a pity a wun b able to meet trang n angeline.. but dun wry coz we will meet agn soon yea? miss u loads!!!!
joanne n jud, although u babes dint manage to make it today, i hope to see u gals next wk! jo i hope ur doggy is alryt :( *heartbreaks abt he ears*.. jud darling hope i get to steal ufrom ur date :X haha
crys n clarice - rarrrrrrrrrrrr u 2 busy gals!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dun tink i can meet u gals much.. perhaps juz a chat at our houses or over a drink nearby????? hugs! my darling frenz.. 20years to our frenship.. or 19 u can say haha.. xoxoxo~
yyy - pretty pretty model babe im so missin u toooooooooo, nw tt u r on hols, see u on tues i guess?!?! movie n shoppin or smth haha~ or yea swim or gym or run can do :)
ss - see u in summer, hope the new job is treatin u well loves!
darren baby - gosh u can walk alr... will u be able to talk when im back in summer? hugzhugzhugzzzzzzzz i wish i cld see u more often, will do in summer baby nephew! i know u do rmb me.. u sweet bright smile juz makes me grin too
okokok back to topic.. it was a great sat.. woke up early n went to shop for camera wif ben den lunched tgt.. rarrrrrrrrrr glad u gt 2 new toys nw.. eh 8300 way sexy n ixus way hawt.. not complementin u but fillin in for wat u r missin!!!!!!!!! cant imagine if u gt tt hot pink one lol.. n i miss u crap man.. finally gt a gd dose of it over the few hrs today.. den met u agn to go vivo for dinner wif denny, his date n soooooo hui.. u juz nvr fail to bully her eh but im glad althou u aint tt perfectly lovely to me, u dun bully me either haha.. dennnny arh wat haf i been missin out dude? congrats to ur new darling found!!!! soohui bubbly as everrr.. jiayou for upcomin paper next sat!!
ben- upload the retarded n funny picz on facebk!!!!!!!!!!! wif the captions haha..
missmissmiss u all, tt i met today, tt i mentioned above.. n nt forgettin roche n jason in brunei for 4wks OCS trng nw.. eheheh n wat pacific coffee? i dun rmb alr eh.. onli rmb tt once wif denny n roche.. nt roche n me leiiiiiii n hor so long ago de story over our CAAS internship!!! aiya tease roche wif sum1 else laaaa so many other beta options eh.. hor roche?? althou i know sum1 said smth abt this to me online when he was drinkin. ah hemmmmmm lol
shawn panda.. if we dun get to meet this tym round, see u in june k? i know NS eats up the tym lol same for roche n jason dears!
n tiffany im glad i made it to ur 21st bday party! lol.. cant wait for u n st to upload the picz! haha
Saturday, February 7, 2009
"he is juz not tt into u" nyt
wheeeeeeeee 1st wk of sem2 is over! n itz frday once more.. tym for a bit of lettin loose!!!!!
met citra n ben. chen n bambang. carolyn wasnt the onli light bulb coz dere was me.. n of coz citra's fren, a coursemate.. a sweet pretty korean gal tt i dunt know how to spell her name.. im sry babe~
we cldnt decided where to go for dinner so carol, chen, bambang n me were waitin for the two in primark.. yes we were hidin from the cold outside.. apparently it was abt below zero haha we werent v well prepared for such weather.. n much to our "amusemt".. a grp of 5 ppl dashed towards our direction when we were chattin.. i made way for dem n turned ard to have a closer look onli to realize tt 1 young gals were caught for shopliftin.. gosh dey looked so young.. lik perhaps at most 12 or 13 yrs old.. gdness.. tt was scary man..
anw after which we went zizzi for dinner.. it was random lik we saw it from across the rd while walkin to wagamama.. when i said "ooo zizzi i rmb erica said itz nt bad.." n so we decided to chg destination n headed dere!! a sinful dinner of pasta for me.. n rice n pizza for 2 others.. n of coz the sweet desserts to keep out smiles!
finished dinner juz in tym to catch the movie at odeon! my 1st movie dere in fact.. i always go to AMC.. haha n to my surprise, the theatre was so so crowded.. i nvr seen the cinema tt crowded in manchie b4, itz always so empty! so this round we had to split up n sit separately.. i sat wif carolyn.. n we kept luffin n luffin n luffin it was ultimate man.. n carol kept askin if i was alryt haha! "he is juz nt tt into u" - dear frenz catch it for a gd luff.. i tink itz a pretty gals kinda movie thou.. dunt tink the guys wld wanna catch tt as much..
ended ard 11plus.. was supposed to head to vic hall to talk to glen abt accomodation stuff.. but chen was havin headache n i dint wanna go out so late coz i dint wanna end up nt bein able to get hm or to b freezin all the way home in the middle of the nyt.. so glen agreed to come over to weston where we all met at carolyn's room.. we had a gd luff talkin rubbish while awaitin glen's arrival.. waitin to pick him up fr downstairs as he is still lost by the weston maze of cores n doors lol.. we had our nectarine peaches.. wif snacks lik mars rolls n wat nt.. but i woke up if a sore throat today.. Rarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
anw.. yupz one borin sat.. im glad chen n carol made up their minds, dun worry abt glen n me!
loong came over for a chat n to see my wound - unknown cause.. but i juz skin peeled n there is pus.. lik argh! hate it.. but yea thx for the spray i dunt know where mine is haha! i cant wear jeans or leggings nw coz it makes it worse as i tried over the past 2days.. so i went for dinner at pacific in shorts wo leggins! lol but it was bearable, luckily nt at -4degrees lik last nyt so yup~ n of coz i used 1 heat pack as well lol~ thx for ur gummies fr selfridges! spoils my diet but i do need it haha.. :)
surely, loong has v cute analogies man.. the graph. the econs. the finance. n the relationships. my god.. no no no nt call options arh ttz terrible!!! lol but i lik the graph.. damn funny.. really well done.. but im nt gg to post it up here.. so insane.. lol hope u dint take a pic of it? otherwise if u facebk it im gg to faint!!! ehz.. hope u feel alryt abt both the chronicles of ------ n the random mail from the other one.. emotional loong.. i will nvr understd.. wif my ability to slp 12hrs if nth needs me to get up any earlier den tt.. so of coz im a survivor as always!!! anw loong ur hp.. i always forget tt itz nt workin 100% when u will call me sayin "ha-ha" den i will get it.. hope ur blackberry storm reaches manchie soon!!! fr sg to manchie.. long flight man.. anw u caught me lookin at the graph luffin nw! flips up down left right.. the lower bell curve is funny esp wif the Z axis. rarr law student no see graph in ages!!
chen arhz, break or dun break it?? knock some sense in here? lol.. i dunt know babe~
ok ok i needa rush seminars.. picz up soon.. in fact all on facebk my darlings!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
sg soc n chinese soc CNY dinner!
wheeeeeee juz bac from some fun!!!!! an awesome dinner at pearl city wif the rest.. den a fun tym wif guitar heor at luke's hehe..
im so shagggggg i dunt know if i shld go party tmr.. really.. haha but i know u guys tink i needa loosen up n shld go.. at the same tym kill tym ryt so tt itz beta haha..
missed all these pepz man itz been quite a while since we met each other n all.. glad to see those smiles once agn n esp b4 skool starts.. a sweet welcome to the "freshies" on xchg as well.. hehe where the sky is always grey.. rainy n cold.. lol!!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
itz all done~
wooot dinner for celebration? haha im all cool.. letz do it.. see u guys in abit.. glen u see u see u see this is called retarded haha.. ryt? chennnnnn where r u when i need to see u luff wif me abt it.. duong i know u r dere rollin wif me.. yirong hmm xiaorongnu ahhh i long tym to see u online.. khin too.. yun jiao as well.. the whole worldddddd~ haha i miz sg.. im comin bac soon.. real soon i m..
mich n ss ahhhhhh i wanna b dere wif u all.. i so do.. haha den we can faintz tgt ryt wahahahaha.. will talk to u all soon de!!!
dun wry abt me.. coz im juz a call away if u guys really r :) im in gd hands anw!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
brides war!!!!!!

wheeeeeeee wakie to day n met chen for lunch n movie.. supposedly.. congrats on the smell of regained freedom!
we went pacific for lunch.. n ended up chattin n catchin up for superbly long.. n den glen called in to ask if he cld come look for us since he was in the vicinity.. after which we walked ard town aimlessly till dinner wif the rest at taiwu.. n faintz abt those fortune cookies.. haha serious itz makin fun of me man hor chen n glen?? wahahaha chen had the company of 2 FRENZ today hor? interestin ryt? the conversations n all.. ttz when blur + blockhead = hahahahahahahaha..
anw yeaps caught brideswar after dinner.. it was aweeeeesome!!!!! wheeeeeeee wanted to catch in sg but cldnt so here i m after the exams.. :)
tiring day of 10hrs outside.. but wells had a great tym n great companion.. itz been a long while since so.. but of coz it cld haf been beta if... yea ryt ryt chen n carolyn n glen will knowwww~
- rArrrrrrrr the winter fats r hauntin me agn argh i hate tt..
- but i guess some other stuff can b more botherin.. hor glen n chen? heheheheheeeeeee
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
E.M.O - emotionally n mentally overloaded
met carolyn today!!!!! had a gd lunch n walked in town.. itz been so long since i stepped into town man.. but of nth has chged hee..
anw highlight of the day - chat wif glen.. woooohoooooo glen yes b proud of me haha i did it yes i did.. i cant believe it!!!!! lol my awesome listenin ear no matter wat.. next tym muz stock up more choco ryt? hehe.. i hope it was the right decision.. wif ur assurance, n duong n all haha cmon i muz haf done it right haha~ i feel alot beta toooo..
emo - when emotions stir up n get the beta of u.. n u get a mental entanglement.. results in overloaded overwhelmin things runnin threw the brain.. incoherent speech n wat nt lol.. BUT luckily im free of it.. at least for nw!
alrytz needa catch some gd slp.. im meetin chen for movie n lunch tmr.. yipee i miss chattin wif this gal man!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
初二 @ 太湖。。
2nd day of CNY alr.. but doesnt quite feel so.. haha i slpt the day away n watched dramas on tudou until it was tym for dinner!!! a pity maxine n adrian r down wif high fever or it cld b more fun! n erica dint join coz her parents r here but derez always the next tym! :)

the super fillin dinner!!!!! yea dere was soup n desert n mandarin oranges as well.. n shang neng n i were gg on abt pineapple tarts n lo hei.. haha.. we realized these 2 items is a very sg misa thing.. nt very intl neither v SEAsian lol.. n we miz it! nvm i can get my pineapple tarts fr my fav plc when im bac in easter.. lo hei - hmm can do wo it for this few CNYs.. cant believe shang is gg to make it! haha hez makin tiramisu today, lo hei n nasi lemak tmr.. eh u chg course fr medicine to law.. nw considerin chef or nt? lol..

the 6 of us present - from left to right, top row den bottom.. shang neng, irene, dixon, jonathan, me n edward! haha we were seated in a cute pattern unconsciously - alternating btwn hats n no hats wahaha.. n irene asked me a very cute qn too.. haha i dunt know how to explain the difference to u gal, but from wat i said mayb u can get a rough idea? n omg irene has been in uk since 10yrs old! well done.. im sure i wldnt survive tt long coz itz way boring! n dark n all.. i lik the sun back home.. n where shops close real late, food is everywhere n of coz the ultra convenience of everythin back home.. hahaha~ irene u ve gt juz 2plus yrs to go b4 u can move home to hk for gd! lol imagine u still feel lik gg home after 9 yrs, no wonder all of us cant wait to get home either haha guess we aint used to the borin life here hur? esp when we haf so many frenz bac home.. but really, back in sg i miz u guys too!!! when we all grad, we aint gg to see each other in a long tym man so we shld treasure the present!

the slips of the fortune cookies hehe.. in the order of the above pic, ttz wat we gt respectively rofl~ funny hur?

alryts seminar selection is at 1pm tmr!!!! hope we get wat we wan yea! gtg slack away after all the facebk n bloggin hehe.. be back sooooooon folks!
shawnie wuuuuuuuuuuuu

my this kor arh enjoyin bac in SG arh.. still go bkk.. haha while we r muggin in manchie.. when r u comin back?! anw thx for ur cny greetin.. sry i wasnt at com when u msned me hehe.. see u soon arh? haha i know u sure haven bk ur return tix ryt!! lol
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