the super fillin dinner!!!!! yea dere was soup n desert n mandarin oranges as well.. n shang neng n i were gg on abt pineapple tarts n lo hei.. haha.. we realized these 2 items is a very sg misa thing.. nt very intl neither v SEAsian lol.. n we miz it! nvm i can get my pineapple tarts fr my fav plc when im bac in easter.. lo hei - hmm can do wo it for this few CNYs.. cant believe shang is gg to make it! haha hez makin tiramisu today, lo hei n nasi lemak tmr.. eh u chg course fr medicine to law.. nw considerin chef or nt? lol..

the 6 of us present - from left to right, top row den bottom.. shang neng, irene, dixon, jonathan, me n edward! haha we were seated in a cute pattern unconsciously - alternating btwn hats n no hats wahaha.. n irene asked me a very cute qn too.. haha i dunt know how to explain the difference to u gal, but from wat i said mayb u can get a rough idea? n omg irene has been in uk since 10yrs old! well done.. im sure i wldnt survive tt long coz itz way boring! n dark n all.. i lik the sun back home.. n where shops close real late, food is everywhere n of coz the ultra convenience of everythin back home.. hahaha~ irene u ve gt juz 2plus yrs to go b4 u can move home to hk for gd! lol imagine u still feel lik gg home after 9 yrs, no wonder all of us cant wait to get home either haha guess we aint used to the borin life here hur? esp when we haf so many frenz bac home.. but really, back in sg i miz u guys too!!! when we all grad, we aint gg to see each other in a long tym man so we shld treasure the present!

the slips of the fortune cookies hehe.. in the order of the above pic, ttz wat we gt respectively rofl~ funny hur?

alryts seminar selection is at 1pm tmr!!!! hope we get wat we wan yea! gtg slack away after all the facebk n bloggin hehe.. be back sooooooon folks!
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