ok 1st things 1st.. thx for all my darling frenz concern for me, im totally alryt =) if dint reply ur smses over the past wk, im sry but i really cldnt bother to, reason i believe is obvious. n to those i haf been chattin in the phone wif haha sry if im quiet or anythin else u guys thot i was.. lik i told "dearme".. haha tt one sweet guy.. wif such guys lik him ard, downgradin a wierd guy fr fren to aquaintance aint too much of a prob to me.. n besides how cld i nt smile wif all those showers of TLC.. haha yeaa u r ryt, the TLC im gettin now covers everythin else so im still a happy gal.. i appreciate all of u guys n gals, all the sweetie pies for all the attn u haf given to me.. "you cant make the whole world love u but the least u can do is dun hate anyone" - love this statement, u were so ryt, totally! hatin sum1 or gettin upset is a waste of my tym n a tear added to those who love me.. n yes i dunt need the whole world to love me to survive coz all i need r true frenz lik all of u heart meltin souls.. thrown is behind, 1 fren less, 1 aquaintance more, smth new learnt n most imptly I CAN SEE MORE TLC from every1 of u lovely darlings..
i yay!!! im meetin shawn panda on wed.. movie n lunch.. honoured to get a day from ur tighty packed schedule.. full of dates i know.. haha.. ok ok both of us r simply full of crap.. as seen below.. omg ryt haha! shawn dun tease me, u know it best dunt u =)

alryts n Janesh sweets yes i owe u a chat on the phone n a date.. hope i can chat wif u ltr.. haha or nt tmr k? we haf such similar tinkin i know u wld understd me well n i dun needa say so much haha.. date mayb next wk? haha~
It was a usual Friday. Clarice had NUS rag n shez in the medical fac but but but sry pretty i had work i cldnt go support u.. n crys had date tt nyt so we cldnt meet up too.. but great to hear all went well n u enjoyed..
i asked mich for dinner coz i simply missed her company.. lik juz her n me.. it was gg to b a late dinner i know but i was willin to wait hehe.. but in the end my aunt n uncle n mr fab goh as well as darlin darren came too.. it has been ages since i ate wif dem all tgt at the same table.. so i dint mind, itz a great few hrs wif dem.. smth i wld miz in uk i know.. i lik the warmth to sittin tgt chattin n all.. i glad i haf such a lovin cousin n a dear cousin in law tt v teng me too.. thank god we all get along super well haha~ love u all.. *hugs*
this is us at dinner.. let the picz do the talking.. venue: beach rd.. food: fish head steamboat, fried pork, wu xiang, fu rong dan, n the yummy yam hehe.. i always feel pampered when we haf steamboat.. ok ok i know i alrd m spoilt n pampered by all of u who teng wo so much.. but really at a steamboat meal, ppl juz keep serving me n all.. i do my part to serve the rest too but ah it still feels pampered to be "served" coz if u guys know how i serve my bro.. haha.. yes u wld get the pic..
we ate till past midnyt.. mr fab goh left abit earlier thou coz of NDP prep he had to go back to the platform by midnyt, he onli had a short break for havin duty the prev nyt.. poor him.. really shag i can tell..
one more friday gone!! nth much really happened so sry for the short post..
anw next entry on the NDP!!
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