we went to the coffeshop nearby for breakfast.. my ice milo as usual.. mich n him had duck porridge while mr goh had his noodles.. the guys shared a carrot cake n as usual agn i dun take breakfast usualli so i dint eat..
after the event, we went back to mr gohz plc to get ready for the next appt.. lunch wif tashy n aunties 1pm @ vivo marche.. darren n mich had a shower n after packin etc it was pretty late.. as usual, we were late agn haha but tash was on tym, luckily i told my bro to go wif the rest 1st so she dint haf to wait alone.. if i dint rmb wrongly, we reached at abt 130pm.. mich n mr goh went to pick my aunt n i followed him so yeapz we reached a bit earlier den dem.. lunch was great.. 12ppl includin the baby.. woooooo been a long tym since we had a family gathering.. as for him ok la.. godfather of darren n we all know him so he wasnt extra.. i cant rmb wat tym we left marche but it was a great tym dere catchin up wif tashy althou she was done eatin b4 i even started haha.. oh n alicia IE called =) i got to chat wif her for a while.. gosh i miz tt chiry lovely lively voice of my hot aunty!! yes she is a funky hot mummy!! take my word for it alryt!! she hotter den me n tashy n mich i tink wahaha but steffy shld b as hot as ever too..

we split ways after tt.. gosh tashy i dunt know when i can get to see u agn.. hope when u return to SG for hols, i wld b back in SG for a break as well.. hope to see steffy, keiran, alicia IE n uncle keith as well.. we really needa catch up..
as tashy loves durian n she is definitely absolutely deprived of it in aussie, my mum n aunties decided to bring her to buy some.. hehe.. mich, mr goh me, him n jenn IE went to shop.. mich needed to go mothercare to get stuff for darren.. he got 6 new rompers n a pair of new non walkin shoes.. n to la senza to replenish supplies while the 2 poor guys waited at a seatin area n self entertain wif lappy n wat nt.. lappy even wen batt flat (coz sum1 dint chrg nt coz we shop v long..) haha.. den we headed to ben n jerryz for ice cream.. it was alrd abt 630 by den.. we had a merlionster of coffee, vanilla, cookie dough, brownie cheesecake, NY super chunk, n i cant rmb the last flavour.. haha.. n gosh was it messy.. darren was drinkin milk while we were havin ice cream, den he threw up some milk after tt n pushed over a cup of water.. drenchin michz dress n his pants haha.. so yes we tried to clean up abit n darren had a chg of clothes..
lastly before we ended the day, he wanted to take picz as usual so yupz we went to the outside area of vivo for some photo takin.. he made me pose for him la.. n nt forgettin some picz of the sweet family of 3 haha.. den darren was slpy n mich was tired so dey left 1st, leavin me n him to stone dere n chat abit.. apparently he wanted to take more picz wif a diff sky colour rofl.. so yeapz we were dere till 8plus n we walked ard a wee bit n headed to the carpark.. n rofl as usual he wanted to top up cashcard.. so we had to walk pretty far haha.. he told me to wait for him at the car but see lucky i acc u to walk ryt..

n so yupz i started bloggin for ytd n today once i reached home while he was off to meet his darling bf haha.. n now while im closin this entry, he is still out havin supper.. eh eh eh i thot sum1 dietin?? haha ok la nvr eat dinner ryt? me too ma.. i nvr eat breakfast n u did lo! haha~
-yes yes yes see even mich oso say u bully me.. haha but ok ok still haf a sweeter n more carin side.. thx thx.. n see today i dint leave anythin behind in ur car!! haha yay.. but i cant imagine if i did rofl.. the onli thing i bought n cld haf left behind was............. rofl.. n n n go easy on ur sis k, tmr u wun get to see her at home alrd.. now u can see wat tym she came home but she stay hall u cant "watch" her anymore.. perhaps the more u say her the worse it is.. chill ok.. relax ah..
*picz for today will b up soon i hope.. waitin for sum1 to send to me.. ok i tink too big to send.. to burn cd n pass to me.. so mayb tues? haha if we both get out of office durin lunch..
*真的我不配。dun tink too much of it..
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