i woke up today at a loss - wat day is it? watz up for me today? haha im loosing track of days by slpin too much man.. i reached out for my phone to check for calls or smses n startin replyin dem.. n ttz went i thot to myself "gosh itz 2pm! i slpt millions of hours agn.." haha ok some say im 幸福.. yea indeed dunt envy deonez laziness n ability to slp!! haha i crawled out n opened the rm door - no trixie n misha!!! ahh~ i love their company..
*side tracks* rmberin im supposed to go ps to the starhub cust service.. GRRRRRR deone is pissed off - her porting has failed 3 times!! THREE TIMES i repeat~ but ok no tym to do it this wkend.. mayb on mon den.. argh so irritating.. dumb singtel! y did dey nt approve my portin?! i cleared all bills n haf finished my contract wif u for more den half a yr alrd!!!
but i had a pretty gd greetin in the kitchen-jelly hearts cheesecake!! ahhhhh i haven eaten tt in ages!! i totally miz it!! so yup started munchin on tt but decided to b a gd gal n keep some for my visitors tmr.. itz been a long tym since i had frnz over coz my hse had been in a mess.. crys, clarice n yyy r the exceptions haha dey can treat my rm lik itz theirs as they haf always been for the past 19yrs or so! haha~ speakin of dem, we need to meet up babes!! wat happened to the every wk once deal?? hurhurhur?? 2gals who dumped us for dates the wk after we had this deal.. GD JOB AH~ but ok we r supposed to go swimmin n movieing-when will the 2 hot dates b available?
Swimmin- tt rings a bell.. MICH!! we r supposed to go swimmin or ECP ryt? we r totally packed this wkend, haha when will u b free den? im happy wif thiw wkendz itinery since it has darren in it haha~ but im sure we haf been havin too much gd food n activities recently tt we r growin fat so we shld do smth abt it haha!
anw having said i slacked the whole day today by slpin till 2pm!! typical deone on a non workin day ryt? anw yupz met mr kccs for dark knight n dinner.. the movie was great but a little disturbin in some parts lik the two faces tt gave me the creeps n the natural reaction of coverin my face wif my shawl haha~ but overall all of u guys shld catch it! i shant b a movie spoiler to my frnz who haven caught it so no content shall b revealed!
*fabian-dun jealous abt it.. mr kccs will always b urs.. i wun snatch fr u! i dun wan n dun need him :x (at least nt as much as u do haha)*
had dinner at nydc (Heeren) wif another 5 pepz hehe.. lucky wasnt forced fed (out of someonez care-okok yes yes u v teng me i know i know althou u can b alittle naggy) today n i actually managed to decide wat i wanted haha.. i had spud ni, salad n baked hawaiian linguini.. o n i saw his youngest sis (part timin at swatch)- i was always curious if dey looked alik.. he hardly has picz anywhere.. lik im still wonderin how princess looks lik haha..
time passed pretty fast i shld say~ like when im enjoyin my tym out n my company, tym nvr seems enuf!~ now tt im alrd back home at my lappy uploadin picz n bloggin..
cant wait till tmr thou- i will see my fantastic company agn! esp darren darling!
picz editin day tmr - the start of the darrenz scrapbk by mich wif deonez assistance.. o n yes mr kccs too.. wan me cook lunch? u sure? ltr got wasabi how?! haha n on sun we r bringin darren to bishan park!! hee sunrise? i dun tink i wld b able to get up in tym for tt! heh~
ok yes my wkend is PACKED.. so more updates n more picz up soon!! i shant spill too much of the itinery.. hopefully credits wld b to mr kccs if he figs out his D300 wahahahah~ tt oso explains y my blog today onli got picz of myself nt picz wif him n company haha..
GTG haha off to add grace on skype n den pack my rm - got visitors tmr i dun wanna scare dem abt how scary-ly messy my rm can get esp when itz sum1z 1st tym over~ wahahahah
*honestly im nt tired at all i wonder wat tym wld i turn in today.. haha but den agn, i cant slp in tmr coz sum1 wans me to cook lunch.. i dunno wat to cook.. another headache*
-yes yes i will try to fill as much details in my blogs n elaborate my stories for all of u yea? haha btw i love the car journeyz wif u can crap alot.. wahahaha
till den-
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