The farewell card from YR.. so sweet of her to spend the effort to make 1 for every1 of us.. u stayed up late coz of tt ryt?! -touched- haha too bad ure nt a guy YR rofl.. i will keep it well =) *u said im thoughtful well so r u..* - u said im sweet haha thx for the compliment, i wish ********* wld tink so too.. but i guess nt rofl.. coz im sweet to the wrong ppl ryt..*
our pretty ah jiao..
our ever so cheerful xiaorongnu..
the joke himself.. ah soh..
The grp photo is in RZ's camera so till i get it fr him =)
The following will me me for today.. n gosh i realized i wore white n black the whole wk!!!!!
Itz the interns last day at work haha.. all the farewells n cards n wat nt.. YR dun wry i wun b missin u.. coz u r completely WITHIN reach haha.. n the rest of u.. i know u guyz r all juz a call away =) but i shall leave ah jiao more tym for her dates haha so wun b disturbin her much.. YR next tym when we need companion can call each other.. 5mins onli!!! haha anytym ya gal~ since both of us r "no strings attached" haha we will b more available..
n ask said we need to haf more meet upz b4 i go uk.. itz seriously gettin so so close to the flight i feel very she bu de.. she bu de wat, i tink u all know la ryt.. how ironic im anxious to leave but cant bear to n im contradicting by sayin i wanna know but im scared to tt kinda thing rofl.. dese few days deone abit emo in office ryt? haha startin to feel it alrd!! ahhhhh~ haha.. ok ok anw YES we MUZ MUZ MUZ meet up more.. but scared ah jiao got too many dates lei.. we 8 ppl ding bu guo her 1 date tt tym.. now we onli 3 ppl ping she me ding?? haha :x
anw im gg to b so so lonely now.. no more gal talk in office.. no more IMing.. no more mass chattin durin office unless of coz we msn haha.. n no one to greet me wif the ultra cheerful smile at my carpark! no ah jiao tt drinks so "hard core" milo to make me feel guilty abt the shots of sugar rushes.. no more mr rz to let us bully n let me suan! no more sittin at the bench n on the floor to chill n stuff.. OMG OMG OMG wat is my JLL life wo all of u?!?! haha NO ONE TO COUNTDOWN WIF ANYMORE!!!
haha after u gals read the email this morn, u gals feel tt im pretty silly ryt? haha lame n crap n all.. i dunt even know if the content is relevant n suitable.. wat do u gals tink?? haha yea can sms me la.. somethings nt to b tagged rofl.. coz we nvr know who is reading wahahah~
3ppl 3opinions.. letz see whoz ryt!!! HOPEFULLY SOON WE WILL KNOW.. tym will tell us the ans.. muahahaha..
anw back home im sittin here lookin thru picz as im gg to the photoshop soon to develop picz for my album.. the photos cover memories of quite a few mths.. sweet pretty memories.. i love photos for they realli let me feel my memories n nt juz rmb dem.. keepin selective ones in albums is a must for me haha coz i lik the feelin to flipping thru it.. cant wait to see the scrapbk of darren too mich pls start sooooooon!!! haha however i realized i dun really hAf picz wif sum1.. haha we shld meet soon so we can take some den when i go manc i can view it when i miz u haha coz ur uploaded pizc r v few n pretty nt up to date.. dun let us lose contact despite ur bz schedule pls.. by heart n soul i will rmb u n miz u n u know it.. dun torture me yea.. muahahahaha~
YR n YJ next tym we meet i tink we wld haf loads to catch up wif man.. same wif the gals upstairs.. managed to catch clarice on msn ytd n wahahahahahaha hell loads of updates yea?? at least my insecurities r reassured by u gals.. really appreciate it.. n Janesh.. u r ryt i needa haf more self confidence!! lawyers needa be abit ego somehow somewhere n nt lik deone ryt.. always sayin wat if this n tt.. n lik to YR n YJ - "deone how can u no confidence when u r lik tt.." pretties.. haha ni men tai gao gu wo le.. coz i believe nth we can b 100% sure abt.. dun wan to haf high hopes coz dun wanna fall hard.. coz u know when u rarely drop, drop once will hurt tonnes.. rofl.. ttz y deone will nvr haf absolute confidence in anythin =) but in this case im glad u guys r givin me the support to make me more confident..
Janesh!!! omg omg omg omg omg i dunno wat a date wif u will b lik man.. haha our preferences n tinkin is so freakily similar!!! nvm at least we know when we r in manc, we haf sum1 to turn to who will understd.. wahahahah 6wks more.. 1 wk twice too much!! i go manc will see u for 3yrs!! haha.. n i dunt haF tt much tym to split ard.. i owe alot of ppl dates alrd.. althou im hopin for a date which i told u juz now.. haha.. o n i can imagine the 14hr flight wif u man.. we r leaving on the midnyt of mooncake festival.. dun forget arh sum1 say wan bring mooncake up to celebrate! rofl i tink i will bring for my fren in manc thou.. hope it getz across e customs..
anw gosh dere r so so many nice movies out!!!!!! i wanna watch!!!!!!! the mummy, x-files, n prom night.. as for the up n comin i wanna watch meet dave n the love guru (reminds me of shane).. haha o o o n my dear mummy wans me to watch money nt enuf wif her.. woooooohoooo so much to do!! one movie to RZ n one movie to panda n one movie to Janesh.. prob need 1 wif the gals.. 1 wif the JLL interns.. n 1 wif the NP ppz (the mummy on sat nyt if all goes well).. haha this is the min target i muz satisfy for my date list b4 gg uk.. if i get the date im hopin for den itz a bonus n i will see wat to do abt it den rofl.. o o o n candy!!! when r free??? haha ok to all those who i owe a date to n ur names ur nt up do bug me!! im so sry but sumtyms deone juz slips it off her mind yea..
n YAY this sunday meetin tashy at vivo for lunch wif the rest of the family.. wahaha itz been a long tym since we had such a family gatherin n let alone wif tashy.. if onli the whole wilsonz family was here thou.. i will enjoy this wkend.. i know i will lik totally!!
-klenn pls arh ur personal msg arh haha.. of all the things y wonder wat it feels lik to a substitute? we all know itz a terrible thing.. n wldnt wanna experience it.. so i tink all u haf to do is nt let urself b one.. rather den wonderin wat it feels lik!! silly la u..
*i wish i was warmer.. wishin i was nvr so cold.. wishin i was so silly.. wishin tt it dint take me this long haha~ i wish i was a better fren to all of u.. i promise im gg to b loads beta.. tym has taught me abt it.. hor YR n YJ.. haha.. so fast u gals r gone.. nt tt i dint appreciate ur presence enuf but u gals get the idea, if u read it correctly.. haha.. i muz make sure everyday i maxed!! to b super happy.. forget all the heavy things n juz dump all aside coz somethings r beyond control.. haha onli tym is the answer to it =)
-ni wen wo zui bu she de she me, zui xiang de shi she me.. ni wen wo, wo men jiu zhi shi peng you ma? ni wen wo zhen de zhi shi ping yi ge peng you de shen fen qu xiang ni, zhen de zhi shi peng you yu peng you ma? haha wo ye xiang zhi dao da an.. wo bu xiang qu cai.. da an dao di shi she me??? deng ni ken gen wo shuo hua de shi hou, wo xiang wo you da an le.. ni xiang zhi dao da an jiu jing kuai chu xian ba.. to miz u as a fren to fren? to know if i really do miz u? to know wat i cant bear most? to know all the answers to all ur qns.. u juz haf to speak up.. i haf the ans now.. mayb u r tinkin abt ur ans.. mayb u wld rather leave everythin unknown.. but at least.. haha i tink by maintaining constant contact is the minimum!! coz we both know.. in the next 46days.. how much more tym do we haf to enjoy n b happy abt?? i guess we will be the happiest over the next 46days.. when we draw a conclusion on the answers.. hope u r readin this.. =) but yes i know u haf been pretty bz coz i noticed u dint come online.. so i shant sms or call u either coz i know u will do so when u r free.. as to when u r free.. itz always soon but indefinite kinda soon.. haha which almost nvr ever comes.. i wish it doesnt haf to b so indefinite all the tym..
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